Volver a noticiasDistriclima participates in the Forum of Rehabilitation, Savings and Energy
On November the 4th, the Managing Director de DISTRICLIMA, Sr. David Serrano, participated as speaker in the Forum of Rehabilitation, Savings and Energy that was held in Madrid and that was promoted by the National Construction Confederation. Serrano, in his capacity as Vice president of the Association of Heating and Cooling Networks ( presented the model of urban and social regeneration that has taken place in the technological district 22@ in Barcelona and how the energy model, and more specifically the implementation of a heating and cooling urban network, has played a key role in its development.
Serrano highlighted how the challenge was to regenerate an extensive consolidated and degraded urban area within a dense and compact city like Barcelona which, unlike Madrid, should fill the urban gaps intelligently rather than face the fluffiness of the territory. He also recounted how the model was conceived in the beginning because of the eagerness of members of civil society and how it was later incorporated and mentored by institutional estates, overcoming initial misgivings. Serrano also warns that is better to leave in a secondary level the discourse of aid and subsidies, because what the model of public-private partnership mainly demands, from the private point of view, is solvent projects, institutional support and legal security. Finally, he closed his speech explaining why the networks meet the expectations of all the actors involved and why they should be a common tool to solve energy challenges in territory scale. rehabilitación energética como vector para la rehabilitación urbana, socio-económica y ambiental